A review copy was provided by the author in return for
an honest review. Due to personal commitments, it took me much longer than
expected to read this book and to complete my review. I apologize to the author
for that.
I must say that ‘The siren’s secret’ intrigued me. I
never read a mermaid book before, and I was tempted to think that I will come
across a bedtime tale rewritten to accommodate the reading tastes of an adult audience.
Instead, I came across a complex plot that blends together romance, crime,
social and family issues, all presented with a surprising normality,
considering that the main character is not our everyday heroine. She’s a modern
day woman with a real job, but a mermaid nonetheless, a marine creature with
the head, torso, and
arms of a woman
and the tail of
a fish.
The pros:
Herbert managed to combine a thriller, a romance and the paranormal element and
make them look like our day-to-day life.
romance is intense at times (graphic scenes alert!), but as opposed to other
books that I read, it is not an unrealistic fairy tale. It contains all
plausible elements of a love story: initial flame, emotions, conflict,
heartache, trials, intimacy and so on.
author managed to capture really well the family issues that tormented the
households of the main characters. Quite complex situations involving painful
truths, challenges, feuds between characters, reconciliation etc.
description of the villain and his actions is just as intricate. We don’t only
learn about his crimes, but we see inside his head, how he thinks, what
prompted him to turn into the man he is today.
also loved how the author captured
life in the Alabama Bayou. It gave me a sense of authenticity, making me feel
that I was actually walking along the town streets. It is great to read a story
that gives a sense of time and place, and this novel achieved just that.
Although I much appreciated
the down-to-earth side of the romance story, I thought that it started too
abruptly, only to go back to normality as I kept reading. Having said that, I
disagree with other reviews that I read about this book. Some readers were
disappointed with the relationship’s failure to really spark, but I truly think
that the author managed to capture very well the initial intensity that
characterizes the beginnings of a flame, then went on to describe what most
people go through in their love life: setbacks and disappointments, mistrust, resilience
and, ultimately, endurance.
I thought, however, that the
characters failed to properly develop throughout the book, which probably
prompted some readers to question the realism and depth of this love story. I felt
that Tillman was too much of a contradiction, his reactions quite erratic,
confusing and often unjustified, as it was his rudeness and professionalism. He
is not a well-defined individual, which is a shame, considering his status as a
main character. I cannot say that Shelly was really fleshed out either, but the
author’s consistency in describing the differences between her and the two
other mermaids (her cousins) created a feel of character authenticity, which
ultimately saved the day.
I also have a problem with the
clichéd life story of the villain. The typical childhood issues that turned him
into a criminal would more rightfully belong to a newspaper clipping that summarizes
a series of murders. I felt that the author failed to use her imagination, offering
a trite, hackneyed
scenario instead.
Tillman’s mother
and brother are unnecessarily predominant in the book, and fail to contribute
to fleshing him out. While some of the scenes involving them are clearly needed
to move the plot forward, I thought that some other were there just to provide
As opposed to the
rest of the book, the ending is disappointingly slow, and I could see it coming
from a mile.
I have mixed
feelings about this book. The writing and the dialogues aren’t as strong as
they should be, there are pros and cons as described above, but overall I think
that this is a very interesting and pleasant read, as it blends really well
many potent elements. Without being an adrenaline pumper, this novel is quite
attractive, and I would recommend it to all lovers of unusual paranormal.
Review of A Bridge to Cross
by Edward R Hackemer
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